Client Recruiter relationship: why a strong partnership needs regular communication

Posted on June 2024 By Speller International
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We often talk about the importance of keeping regular communication between recruiters and candidates. So, what about the client / recruiter relationship? Why is it vital to keep in regular contact with your recruiter, not just when you need to hire?

The importance of the regular communication is also extremely vital for the recruiter and client relationship. It applies not only throughout the recruitment process, but also throughout day to day relationships between the client and recruiter.

So, why should the communication channels always be open?

Current and Future projects

Recruiters need to know their clients roadmap regarding projects and new technologies. By keeping them in the loop, agents can provide clients with a better service by:

• Being prepared for when resources are needed
• Discussing current opportunities in the organisation
• Assist the client by being aware of market trends
• And know who else in the industry may be doing similar projects

Advise when top talent becomes available

Knowing the client intimately gives the recruiter the opportunity to advise them of top tier talent that become available and who are unique to your business environment and/ or SAP landscape. With this knowledge we know of skills that may be hard to find or are in demand in the market and can give the client first priority.

Introductions and Market knowledge

Your recruitment partner can be your trusted advisor. They know the whole market thoroughly and can be of great assistance to your business. They speak to hundreds of people in their particular market, day in day out, and know who is doing what and what the market trends are. Obviously there are times when confidentiality is involved, but this knowledge can still give the client a great overview as to what’s happening and potentially help with introductions to people/ businesses who may be on similar journeys.

Changes in organisational structure

It’s important for recruiters to know if there is a change in the organisation such as restructure, individuals that have left the business, people who have joined the business or roles have changed completely. By being on top of this means the recruiter doesn't lose continuity in the service to the client or the knowledge of activities in the various teams. The recruiter can also be prepared if, for example, there are mass redundancies, to assist whoever may need help with a new role or assistance with their CV and their market value.

Business Updates

Businesses change and evolve constantly. There are acquisitions and mergers, divestments and major sales. Knowing this kind of information can be very helpful for the recruiters in keeping existing contractors and permanent staff in the loop with what’s happening, rather than them hear via media releases.

From Client to Candidate

A strong relationship between client and recruiter can also build a bond that progress with personal circumstances. A client may leave their role and need the assistance of the recruiter for their next endeavour. Alternatively, the client may move on to another site where the relationship can continue. This is an easy transition as both parties have a familiarity with the way each other work and the model in which they work to.

The recruitment process (during a live role)

This seems obvious but constant contact during the recruitment process is a necessity to find the right resource quickly and efficiently. Getting and giving feedback regarding candidates are vital to keep all parties in the loop and to keep candidates warm and interested in the role.

Staying in regular contact is very important and maybe even more important during times when recruitment activity may be low. This is the time you build your relationship, get common trends and market predictions.

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