How SAP is contributing to a sustainable world
Posted on November 2021 By Damien Ross
With the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, all eyes are on governments and the private sector to see meaningful responses in terms of strategy, commitment and most importantly ACTION.
If you haven’t already seen it, check out Sir David Attenborough and his perfect articulation of the aims of the conference.
As Sir David points out, many corporations are now taking the lead, perhaps in frustration of decades of inaction from governments.
Socially responsible corporations are committing billions of dollars to negate climate change and are also taking advantage of commercial opportunities as consumers move their preferences towards zero emission products, services, and supply chains.
Technology has a significant role to play in enabling climate action, and SAP is focussed on developing products and services that support customers in implementing sustainable business models and by being a net zero emitter.
SAP has a strong track record in relation to its commitment to climate change. Since 2009, it has been committed to its own climate change goals and has previously been awarded the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices: Most Sustainable Software Company.
Customers are starting to see the SAP new cloud-native application, Product Footprint Management. It takes a holistic approach to assess product footprints across the entire product life cycle, helping companies to assess the environmental impact of their products at a detailed level.
If you’re interested in reading and hearing more about SAP and sustainability, you might like to watch SAP’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Daniel Schmid, and other experts, speaking at the Sustainable Innovation Forum 2021 in Glasgow from November 8 to 10. You can register to attend.
While companies such as SAP lead the way, here’s hoping that post COP26 we see governments taking real action and that non-participating countries such as China and Russia soon realise the importance of their commitment to climate action.