Guest Blog: The Thin Line Between SAP Architect & Consultant
Posted on February 2021 By Speller International
In the world of SAP, there are many roles that cross over into other areas of expertise.
In fact, you may know consultants that have such varied experience they seem to be a jack of all trades! There are also roles that seem similar but are very different indeed.
Today's guest blogger, Surendhar Sooriyakumar, discusses just this. He is an SAP Finance Lead and has put together the following article which explains the difference between an SAP Solution Architect and an SAP Solution Consultant. Let's find out what makes these roles so different.

It is a great asset to have an in depth understanding of the differences in SAP roles and how each role contributes a business. Thank you Surendhar for your insight into the differences between an SAP Solution Architect and SAP Solution Consultant roles.
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