Speller International Announcement!
Posted on October 2019 By Judy Cole
Last financial year was an excellent growth year for Speller and we took a few small risks that really have set the foundations for the future of Speller. At the start of 18/19 financial year we set a plan for the year ahead and part of that plan involved some changes at Speller.
So what were these Changes?
New hires
Technology Transformation
I am happy to say that these changes paid off, though not without challenges. One of the challenges being that the technology transformation is not set to be complete until December 2019.
However, our restructure was perhaps the most successful initiative and has really given us the foundations that were needed in order to grow. The team really “stepped it up a notch” and we had our best year ever taking us to a turnover of $31.7 million specifically gained from resourcing, recruitment and consulting services within the SAP arena.
We were able to take on another new employee to join our Change and Training practice and we put two of our team members on leadership development programs.
An Exciting Announcement
The most exciting part of last year for me, was that we were able to put Jack Bland on Management Development.

Jack has been a pivotal member of our leadership team for the last 3 years. He has continuously shown great dedication to Speller International and the success of the team, as well as to all the SAP community who he comes in contact with.
Jack started at Speller in November 2013 and soon solidified himself as a self- starter and hard worker. He was already leading and motivating the team prior to it being made official in 2016. Last year Jack lead his team (the Recruitment team) to the most consistent and successful year they had ever had while also inputting in to the strategy and direction of Speller. He also took on extra responsibilities as part of his management development and he still managed to be our highest billing salesperson for the year!
Jack leads by example, follows our values and works hard – he provides the consistency needed for Speller to be so successful and he is a true Spellerite.
It is my great pleasure to formally announce Jack Bland as the Sales Manager for Speller International and I know he will do a fantastic job.