Meet the Team – Kate Mumme
Posted on November 2017 By Speller International
This month, we’re excited to announce another Speller team member joining our ranks! Starting out as a contract role, Kate Mumme has become such an integral part of our office team, we just had to offer her a permanent position!
It’s time to meet Kate Mumme…
Tell us a little bit of Kate Mumme history?
I grew up in a small town called Christmas Hills, about an hour from Melbourne. I was a full time gymnastic coach before I moved to London in 2010. I was only meant to be in London for 2 years, but like many other Aussies before me, I ended up staying for just over 6 years. While I was there I had a wide variety of jobs, being a nanny, working for Manchester United Football club, being a wedding planner and working for a Hedge Fund. I loved how London always had something on and with Europe being just a short flight away, I’ve done quite a lot of travelling. After meeting my husband we decided to move back to Melbourne in 2017 to be closer to family and friends, not before travelling north and central America for 9 months.
Being back in Melbourne is great, a lot has changed in 7 years, there’s a lot more restaurants, bars and things to do. I’m definitely feeling very settled and happy to be back!
You joined the Speller Team for a short contract and stayed longer! What do you enjoy most in your role as Sales Office Coordinator?
You couldn’t get rid of me!!! I feel so lucky to have found the role at Speller. I’m really enjoying the diversity of the role, each day is different with new challenges and obstacles to work around and solve.
Where do we find you in your down time?
Drinking wine and eating cheese.
What does the FY17/18 hold both professionally and personally for you?
Professionally, I can’t wait to really make this role the best it can be. Coming up with new processes and procedures to make the Sales Team more efficient and effective in their roles. 2018 we’ll really start to ramp up the client entertainment, working with the BDM’s to put together strategies and plan some key events throughout the year.
Personally, seeing more of Australia is definitely high on my list, I’d love to go to WA and Tasmania. Being away for so long makes you appreciate what we have on our doorstep!