Bang Your Drum: CV and Linkedin Profile Optimisation
Posted on March 2017 By Speller International
We all know – or should know! – how important it is to keep your CV and LinkedIn profiles up to date. Doing so helps maximise your employment prospects and presents you at your best. Where sometimes people struggle though is in knowing the most relevant experiences and skills to highlight, to get that plum SAP role that fits you like a glove.
That’s why we’re kicking off a new blog series, Bang Your Drum, dedicated to showing you what to highlight in the Key Achievements section of your CV and your LinkedIn profile. In each installment we’ll focus on a specific role or job title, and give pointers for talking through your experience with recruiters and interviewers.
For our first post in the series, we bang the drum with Functional Consultants.
We’ve talked previously about how to update your CV and LinkedIn profile in a general way for SAP consultants.
However, given the breadth and variety within the SAP industry it is important to acknowledge that the specific skills and attributes of a Functional Consultant are very different to a Project Manager, say, or a Change Analyst. As such, when it comes to the traits and experiences that hiring managers are looking for in their consultants, it’s up to you to know which key achievements and attributes to highlight, and clearly communicate what sets you apart from the other contenders.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at what Functional Consultants might want to draw attention to.
1. Relationship building is a thing
Sure, configuration knowledge is (and always will be) crucial. In this day and age though, the ability to cross divides, build bridges and generally be a connector is more highly regarded than ever. This includes the ability to engage with business to really understand their challenges and/or pain points. Any and all experience you may have had with relationship building, draw attention to it. Talk about a specific project, the new connections you nurtured, and the outcomes your efforts resulted in. Because each interview is an opportunity build another bridge.
2. Clarity is power
Always seek to highlight your ability to readily understand, define, and clearly articulate requirements – to all kinds of audiences. After all, you’ll need to be able to communicate not just in technical terms but also in plain English to different departments, not all of who really understand (or need to understand) the concepts. Be sure you can clear-headedly talk Business and Boolean to the non-techies you’ll be interacting with.
3. Think outside the box (and inside too)
The Business wants what the business wants. Now, you may not feel what they propose is the best approach, but it’s up to you to reasonably and confidently present the pros and cons of multiple-choice scenarios in addition to best practices for SAP Processes. Have some factual examples to share of your experiences, and talk of occasions where you had to challenge yourself to come up with new solutions to something. Aim to do so regularly, to show your capacity to improvise!
4. Specialisation is great, but…
Being a specialist in one area is great, sure. But in this day and age it’s arguably more important to be able to understand the broader areas of SAP too. Let your curiosity and general knowledge be recognised. We’ve seen the days of pure BW consultants skills grow to also encompass BO & HANA too. Show the world your willingness and ability to grasp the bigger picture, and your capacity for growth.
5. Be passionate
Technology never stands still, and there’s always something new to discover. Even after 20 years experience, the top SAP consultants are motivating themselves and investing their time in learning the newer SAP technologies. By staying curious, they’re not only expanding building upon their accrued knowledge – they’re staying relevant to employers. Make sure you’re doing the same, by pointing out your continued engagement with movements across the industry.
6. It’s not just what’s on the page
This can’t be emphasised enough – your attitude to work is just as important as your skills! Long after the project is complete, you’ll be remembered for your attitude and how well you interacted with others, rather than for the specific parts of the SAP system you configured. Leave employers wanting you back.
There are a lot of variables when it comes to landing the role that you want. The one thing in your control is you, and how you present yourself. For Functional Consultants, the more of the above points you can make apply to yourself, the more you’ll align yourself with what hiring managers are looking for in consultants.
This has been Part 1 of BANG YOUR DRUM, an ongoing series looking the Key Achievements and Attributes that hiring managers are looking for in consultants, and how can you most clearly draw attention to them in your own CV and LinkedIn portfolio.
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