Happy Easter 2016
Posted on March 2016 By Speller International
Imagine if Easter could last, forever and a day
Where the chocolate’s never ending and the Bunnies always play
Imagine if there was somehow, a way to always feast
On never ending chocolates, candies, treats and sugary sweets!
So Speller came together, and brainstormed with the wise
To think up an Easter comp where the winner gets a prize?
The rules are simple… it’s easy to win!
Simply guess the number of eggs and follow us on LinkedIn
So count the eggs and count them true,
We need a winner, is that YOU?
If your guess is correct then it’s the jar full of treats that you win
Along with 2 tickets to the next big SAP networking thing!
The KeyInsights conference in Melbourne on the 18th -19th April**
You won’t be disappointed… in fact we know you’ll be quite grateful
So on the blog place your guess, put your Egg-skills to the test
On April 11th we announce the winner, and by April the 12th its chocolate for dinner
Then chocolate the next day, then chocolate some more, until Easter is over and chocolate no more
So good luck to you out there, hope your Easter wish comes true and from all us at Speller Happy Easter to YOU!
**winner receives two tickets to the two-day CompleteStream KeyInsights conference held at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Melbourne, April 18-19, 2016. Transportation to the venue and other costs incurred for the event are the responsibility of the winner. Full terms and conditions of the competition can be viewed here.