Nicks Corner – December 2015
Posted on December 2015 By Nick Speller
Merry Christmas!
I am very proud to say that this month Speller International is celebrating 15 years in business! I have loved being at the forefront of SAP resourcing for the past 15 years and I can honestly say I believe Speller International wouldn’t be where it is today without the support of our amazing and loyal SAP network. Many of you I have had the pleasure working with almost the entire time we have been in business! And while it has been a great 15 years, the team we have in place now fills me with more excitement and anticipation for what’s ahead.
To say thank you to those who have work either for us or with us in 2015, we held our annual Speller Christmas party last week – and what a warm, friendly, fun group of people we had attend! Our Christmas party is the opportunity for us to get the SAP community together and thank them for all their hard work and support, and provide them a platform to let their hair down and mingle with colleagues new and old. I had one person tell me their highlight was running into 4 ex-colleagues who they had worked with at one of the first SAP implementation over 20 years ago!
I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to my Office Manager, Shannon who has outdone herself again this year in her preparation and planning for the night and all the things involved in providing a fun night for over 200 people. And to Projects Coordinator, Lechée for capturing the night so well – be sure to check out all the photos in the blog.
Last month we had Candidate Manager Ashleigh Hammersley join the Resourcing team, some of you might have had the opportunity to meet Ashleigh at the Christmas party already. In such a short time, Ashleigh has slotted herself into the Speller-way, quickly becoming a valued member of the team. After a career in Customer Service, Ashleigh moved to Recruitment early 2014, and she brings an energetic and engaging approach to Candidate Management. Welcome Ashleigh!
In regards to the market, Q1 was strong, without being exceptional but there was a slight lull in the market in Q2. From our understanding, SAP Australia has numerous deals to be signed in the next few weeks leading up to Christmas and if they come to fruition (fingers crossed) it will set the market on its way for Q3 and Q4.
It will be interesting to see how the stats pan out in Judy’s Quarterly Crunch in the new year.
For the calendar year ahead, I’m looking forward to assessing the Candidate and Client 2015 surveys. Thank you to those who took the time to give me honest and constructive feedback, we will be implementing process improvements so that we can continue be your SAP resourcing and recruitment provider of choice.
From myself and all of my team, a very Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you get some down time to spend with your loved ones, and return refreshed for a cracking 2016! I look forward to working with you all in the new year!