Make SAP Your Valentine: Rekindling Your Love for Your Work
Posted on February 2015 By Speller International
New love is incredible. There is so much to learn and experience together, so much room to grow… You practically spring out of bed every morning, busting to get to the office and continue your love affair with your new SAP job. But even true love loses its sheen a bit over time. The day-to-day of your beloved job becomes a bit humdrum and you start to wonder if the grass is greener on the other side.
Here at Speller we believe in lasting love, so we want to remind our readers of the difference between a rough patch and a time-to-go scenario and encourage everyone to rekindle the flames of love with that job you once adored! So, how do you make SAP your Valentine this February 14 (which is a Saturday, so let’s maybe celebrate early)?
Accentuate the positive
Every role has less than enjoyable elements. Try getting the tasks you like a little less done when you’re feeling a bit more tolerant (morning people will want to tackle them first thing) and save your favourites for when your patience is lagging. You could also try assessing what it is that makes certain tasks less enjoyable, and then finding ways to make them less painful, so even those things you don’t like as much about your love can become enjoyable too!
Try something new
Make a change! You’d be surprised how even the smallest change can impact your love for the job. Maybe boredom is the reason you fell out of love? By continuing to improve on what you bring to the job and the organisation, not only will you feel happier within yourself, but your boss could take notice too, which is never a bad thing. Signing up to a professional development workshop or an online seminar and upskilling might just be the key. You can read our tips on the importance of upskilling here and discover how to add to your SAP arsenal while balancing an already busy life.
Reminisce on the love
You did once love your job, right? Ask yourself, why? What attracted you to the role? What made you so excited to accept the offer? Making a list of what you like about your job will help to remind you of all the good things your role offers. It might be the challenges, the company values, flexibility in your working arrangement – focus on what is positive. It’s easy to take some of these things for granted. You need to mentally set aside any negative aspects and shine light on the great things you do enjoy.
Let them talk!
There is an old saying: Misery loves company. It is extremely hard to keep a positive attitude if unhappy people who make negative comments surround you. Try to steer the conversation to the positive, pointing out some potential up sides to their story or how they can learn or grow from the situation. Everyone is entitled to vent but, if someone seems dead set on being negative, it might be best to steer clear of them.
Add a little sweetness
Ever noticed that smiling can actually make you feel better? You can make yourself happier, put a smile on your colleagues’ faces and contribute towards an overall more enjoyable work environment with a positive attitude. Positivity and smiles are infectious so learn to laugh and have more fun at work. You just might find that there is a lot of power in positivity.
Tell the world about your love (or at least the new person)
The best way to remember what you loved about your role is by telling someone else how interesting and exciting it is! Acting as a mentor to someone new to the field allows you to showcase what you do and feel proud in your role, and the added advantage is that you can soak up some of their enthusiasm and excitement about what you do too. You will be able to rediscover the value in what you do and to be proud of the daily contribution you make.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder
We spend so much of our waking life at work, that when you switch off your computer, you really need to switch off and get a little distance from work, mentally. While so many of us can be in touch with the office remotely, it is important to turn off those notifications when you are at home. Taking some time for yourself whether it be at the gym, playing sport, a hobby, or just spending quality time with family and friends is actually extremely important for recharging your own batteries. Not only will it make you feel better, but it will also clear your head to allow for those great ideas the following day!